If you are having issues with your Bluetooth® connections, please try the following:
- Open your Bluetooth® settings
- Make sure Bluetooth® is ON
- Restart the right device (the indicator light will continue to blink green until connected)
- Under “devices” select your right device
- Continue to follow the steps in the app to complete your connection
To fix connection issues, try these methods:
Method 1:
You will be prompted to restart both devices by turning them off and then on again, then tap "Next" to connect.
Method 2:
- Open the SHIFT Hearing App
- Go to app settings
- Go to “My hearing devices”
- Go to “Forget devices”
- Remove both devices from the app
- Select “My devices are setup” when prompted in the set-up overview
- Once both devices are removed follow the instructions in the app to reconnect
Method 3:
Re-install the app:
- Open Bluetooth® settings on your phone
- Under “My devices”, remove all SHIFT devices by selecting “Forget this device”
- Go to App store or Google Play to reinstall the SHIFT Hearing App
- Open the SHIFT Hearing App, and follow the set-up instructions again
- Select “My devices are setup” option when prompted in the set-up overview
- When prompted to “Remove the LEFT device” in the app, restart both devices
- Continue to complete the set-up instructions in the app
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